“Muslims and the left share the same common goal; the destruction of America and the transformation of individual freedom into obedience to the state. The most powerful force supporting the Islamization of America is the Democratic Party.”
The author of these words, Dr. Vitaly Raevsky, knew a great deal about the left. His life had followed an arc that took him from helping design the spacesuits worn by Russian cosmonauts, including Yuri Gagarin, to escaping the USSR through the intervention of President Nixon and going to work for the Department of Defense.
At the age of 84, the celebrated scientist lies in the soil of the America that he came to love so dearly. His passing leaves behind a monumental body of scientific work, patents and publications, and more importantly a legacy of speaking the truth and fighting the good fight no matter the personal cost.
Dr. Raevsky’s passion for the truth destroyed his career turning him into a dissident and a refusenik. The Six Day War in which the Jewish State faced off against Muslim armies which sought to destroy Israel and complete the Holocaust initiated in part by the Mufti of Jerusalem was the transformative event.
Before the war, in his speech to the Egyptian National Assembly, President Nasser had declared, “We are confronting Israel and the West as well.” Nasser had claimed that Allah would help them triumph and boasted that “the Soviet Union is a friendly Power and stands by us as a friend”.
“This war with other religions and their adherents has continued for more than thirteen centuries as periodic waves invade non-Islamic countries, peoples and continents. More than sixty-five generations of Arabs carried on the war and it has become not only a requirement of faith, but also the centuries-old tradition of a people,” Dr. Raevksy would later write.
Like many Soviet Jews who had not lost touch with their religion and culture, despite living in the left’s “prison of nations”, Dr. Raevsky saw the Communist Goliath and his Muslim armies take on Israel and lose. Despite the might and terror of Communist power, the tyranny he had been living under had blustered and lost to a country with fewer Jews than were living then under the shadow of the KGB in the USSR.
By 1969 he had applied for permission to leave for Israel. While Communist authorities often denied visas by falsely claiming that the emigrant had access to classified information, Dr. Raevsky, by virtue of his work for the Russian military and space program, actually had state secrets locked up in his head.
It took special notice from the Nixon Administration to get him out. But Dr. Raevsky was not satisfied with being out of the Soviet Union. He was determined to fight for freedom wherever he was, combining his scientific work of national defense with a moral defense of national and religious ideas.
In Israel he worked in aerospace and national defense, while running for the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, with Moshe Dayan’s Movement for National Renewal. Then he was invited to the United States to work on tank designs for the Department of Defense which he combined with political activism that put him on the wrong side of the establishment.
Dr. Raevsky had stood up to the left in the USSR and he continued defying it in the United States.
“To change a system of government, it is first necessary to change or alter the people who created it. Change through the invasions of alien peoples or change through brainwashing entire generations from childhood,” Dr. Raevsky wrote of the left’s efforts to transform America. “One of the Democratic Party’s means of destroying the Judeo-Christian America is through the resettlement of Muslims in the West.”
Even when he was unable to continue working due to heart problems, he continued to run activist organizations out of his Maryland home because he could give up the practice of science, but not the pursuit of the truth.
In retirement, he studied biblical history and world events. His bold words appeared in open letters, in articles and in two books, one on biblical history and the other on, “The Islamic Invasion of the West.”
Dr. Raevsky did his best to warn his readers that Islam and the left were both fundamentally totalitarian movements aligned against reason, religion and freedom. Of Obama he wrote, “His Marxism is combined with a commitment to Islam, which he sees as an ally in the destruction of the ‘old world’”.
Outside the Soviet Union, he continued to be a dissident by dissenting from the well-trodden path of political correctness. He campaigned against the appeasement of terrorists in Israel and America, whether it was through Muslim immigration or a Palestine state.
He understood that the conflict was not purely military, but moral. “The construction of a mosque at Ground Zero is the second significant attack of Islam on the United States,” he wrote. “Not a physical attack, but a moral attack, bloodless, but just as ruthless as 9/11.”
His final years were dedicated to warning the world of what was coming.
“One hundred years ago ‘the specter of Marxism wandered Europe’, it gave birth to the National Socialism of Hitler and the Soviet Union of Stalin,” Dr. Raevsky wrote. “Today the combined specter of Islam and Socialism is swallowing up Europe and gaining strength in America and there is no reason to believe that this regime will be any less cruel.”
In 2014, he urged those “who do not want the death of Israel and the victory of socialism in America” to stop voting for Democrats and support the Tea Party. He died a month before the midterm elections without seeing the Republican victories that followed. But his vision always reached further.
As a scientist he was engaged with the great ideas of human civilization, seeing beyond elections and into the future and the past. Applying the same powers of reasoning that had enabled him to unlock the properties of substances, Dr. Raevsky examined the roots of the clash of civilizations.
“The foundations of Western civilization; justice, democracy, humanism, scientific truth, objectivity are not understood by Muslims regardless of whether they live in the East or the West, because they are profoundly alien to Muslim thought. The truth to them must always be there on the side of a relative, a tribesman or a fellow Muslim,” he wrote.
Dr. Raevsky was a reader of Front Page Magazine and often cited it in his own articles in the Russian language press. Throughout his long life, the focus of his great mind moved easily between human civilization, the word of G-d and the workings of the radiation of the stars on the matter of man.
From his time in the USSR to the age of Obama, he feared no man, speaking the principled truth without compromise. Having faced down the thugs of the KGB and won, there was nothing that the American leftist could say or do which would frighten or intimidate him.
Death has not silenced his voice. It has enabled us to hear his warnings more clearly.
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